Chad Posladek
Chad has been involved with the service industry most of his life. Working in his parent’s HVAC business in high school allowed him to learn the service side of the business at a young age. After receiving his degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Kansas, Chad worked in the software industry for several years. In the 80s he began applying his software skills to improving the efficiency of his parent’s business. That eventually led to the formation of a software company focused on improving the efficiency of service companies through the using of the new and growing computer industry.
Dan Horsch
Dan and Chad formed Mobilogic in the fall of 1994 bringing together Chad’s extensive service industry and software development experience with Dan’s communications and system design skills. Together they work to use their combined years of experience to bring today’s ever expanding technological advances to Mobilogic customers.
Paul Jacques
Software Specialist
Janice Cunningham
Customer Service Manager
Janice joined Mobilogic full time in 2012 as the Customer Service Manager. By that point she had already been working with Chad and Dan as a support specialist for almost 15 years. Her knowledge of the software and its usage in companies of all sizes and industries is invaluable. Mobilogic customers have grown to count on Janice as an indispensable resource for not only answering their software questions but also helping develop solutions unique to their own businesses.
Barbara Johnson
Office Manager
Barbara worked primarily in the radio industry after earning her journalism degree from the University of Kansas. She joined Mobilogic in the early years doing voice work for touch tone interfaces for mobile timestamps. More recently Barbara has been the primary bookkeeper and office manager.
Randy Cherry
Training and Development Associate
Gina Posladek
Support and App Developer
Gina Posladek has a diverse background in everything from engineering to tutoring and portfolio management to web development. Now, at Mobilogic, she is focusing her efforts on customer communication and success. Gina is a graduate of the University of Kansas.